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Blooming Earlswood finalists and winners!

What a fantastic competition Blooming Earlswood 2017 was!

We had a wonderful time at the Earlswood School Summer Fair on Saturday, and we’ll have some photos of the awards being presented very soon, but in the meantime, here are the photographs of the finalist entries taken by our in house photography team. We’re sure you’ll agree that the colours really pop and the entries are a brilliantly high standard.

Thank you so, so much to everyone who took part, it was another great “coming together” of the community. We love giving back to our community, and hope you all enjoyed the process as much as we enjoyed seeing what you all created!

Here are the wonderful finalist entries in all their glory, with photos taken by our in house photography team:

Andrea and the boys with their Jurassic Garden pots

Andrea and the boys with their Jurassic Garden pots

Della’s fabulous hanging basket

Della’s fabulous hanging basket

Amber and Betsy’s colourful planters

Amber and Betsy’s colourful planters

Amber and Betsy’s colourful planters

Ada & Efa’s imaginative “Sweet Pea Tipi – a place to read fairy tales”

Ada & Efa’s imaginative “Sweet Pea Tipi – a place to read fairy tales”

William & Oliver’s Veg patch

William & Oliver’s Veg patch

The Brownjohn’s oasis of a front garden

The Brownjohn’s oasis of a front garden

Laura’s beautiful splashes of colour

Laura’s beautiful splashes of colour

Great community garden project from the 2nd Reigate Beaver Scouts

Great community garden project from the 2nd Reigate Beaver Scouts

An incredible array of blooms from Devanand

An incredible array of blooms from Devanand

An incredible array of blooms from Devanand

Aren’t they all beautiful? We wished we could have given everyone an award! Warmest thanks to everyone who entered, we loved seeing what you’d created, and the pride you have in your community. Here’s to Blooming Earlswood 2018, we hope it’s even bigger and if it’s possible, even better!

If you’re thinking of moving or letting your home, our teams would love to chat with you on 0330 223 1000.


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