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A gadget revolution!

We have had a  “Gadget Revolution” amongst our team (plus some of our friends) who have been raving about their latest tech or the latest must have item for the home. These gadgets have been well and truly put through their paces over the past few weeks and we thought we’d share our thoughts with you:

The Thermomix

We’ve been aware of this so called “super” gadget from some chats on Facebook so knew it was something a bit special. If you haven’t heard of them before, the Thermomix is a catch all kitchen gadget and really does mean you can ditch pretty much every other gadget you own! Yes, really, because it is a food-processor, it weighs, cooks, chops, crushes, emulsifies, whips, mixes, steams, blends, kneads, grinds simmers, grates and mills. Despite its extensive repertoire for the kitchen, it is actually quite neat and will sit comfortably on any counter top without demanding too much space. Why would I want one? Well, this is what one new local owner Nicola has to say: “Before I bought the Thermomix I said to my husband that nobody NEEDS a Thermomix but it is an amazing luxury to have. Now that I have had a Thermomix for a month I think every kitchen needs one!! It is amazing. It makes it so easy to cook meals from scratch which not only saves money but lets me now exactly what is going into them. I am also saving on my shopping bills because I am no longer buying more expensive packaged food. I love, love love it!” Sarah Sproston, our Marketing Manager has recently experienced a demonstration (the cheese scones & mango sorbet were absolutely delicious!) and is completely sold on the concept!


Coffee machine

Our very own Nicola Jordan has a new coffee machine and we think it sounds pretty special, in fact we’ve now been over for coffee and are completely converted! “We were spoilt in Italy this year, the villa we stayed in had a bean to cup coffee machine.  When we were showed how to use the machine, I must admit, I didn’t think that much of that fact it was ‘bean to cup’, as a lifelong lover and advocate of Nespresso, this looked a bit more effort, and I wasn’t sure that it would be any better.  How wrong could I have been! Everyone loved the machine – and we could prepare the milk just how we liked – flat white’s, cappuccinos, latte’s (only before 12, as we were in Italy!) then fantastic double espresso.  Coming home to our Nespresso (which was on last legs….) wasn’t great! With a husband who lives on double espresso with two sugar’s, this was a huge problem! So I went about researching bean to cup coffee machines, with a view to getting him one as his Christmas present. After all my research I settled on the Delonghi Bean to Cup Coffee Machine. It’s fantastic – and brings back the wonderful memories of our Italian holiday every day, with the added bonus the children can have hot frothy milk on demand for their favourite hot chocolates with marshmallows!”

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Our Area Sales Manager Zac recently treated himself to a new 4K TV as he loves watching programmes like Planet Earth in full HD – can you imagine how on the edge of the seat you’d be watching the snakes and iguana episode on a screen like this?! He admits it was a bit hair-raising!


Cliff has recently indulged in a SkyQ system and feels like he has entered the modern age of watching TV! When combined with Fibre broadband TV is now essentially fully on demand. Even though the box is capable of recording up to 6 things at once, he says that “in reality you never need to record anything as it is always ready to download and view immediately”. He loves that he can seamlessly move what he’s watching to another TV, mobile or tablet and pick up exactly where you left off. “Streaming though high speed fibre broadband is a totally different experience to normal broadband. Everything is just there, and never any of the dreaded buffering!”

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Amazon Dot

One of our photographers, Ush had a funny story to tell about his “kind” gift from his parents:

“I received this gift for a couple of reasons. Firstly, to annoy me and secondly, to prove how useful they could be. My parents have owned the original Amazon Echo unit for a fair while now after using one in the US. When I visited them some time last summer they took great pride in showing it off to me. I wasn’t impressed. Listening to someone use an Echo is a confusing and somewhat uncomfortable experience. Hearing my mother call out “Alexa?” and then pause, as if waiting for a response from another human, made me realise that perhaps my parents weren’t quite so used to using the Echo either. I was shown a few menial tasks that the Echo can accomplish. They showed me that she could read the weather out for me, or search for information online for me. I use my phone for something similar already. A machine which offers me a feature I already carry around in my pocket didn’t impress me!

Fast forward to Christmas day then, when they chose to lumber me with my own miniature version of their device. The unobtrusive Echo Dot. Their smug faces as they watched me open it and have to feign gratitude was something I’m used to with them. I’m not one to turn my nose up at a gift, and a fairly expensive one in this case. So I’ve taken to using it, moreover, my girlfriend Claire has taken to using it daily. Once I’d shown her the ropes so to speak, she was off, including her new friend Alexa in her morning routine. Claire no longer has to pause from applying her mascara in the morning to look at the news or weather. Alexa can give her the specifics she needs, whenever she needs them. Train information, traffic information and then when we’ve got what we need she can play our favourite radio stations for us. All in all, my parents have converted me, as much as it pains me to say it!”

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Have you got any home gadgets that have changed your life? Or something you are just enjoying and would like to share with us?


Move Revolution now has offices from Brighton to our estate agency in Croydon with many places in between. If you’re thinking of moving, please contact the team on 0800 337670.




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